Our French Cottage  

Our holiday home in the DordognePérigord  


Our Home


Located in the beautiful Dordogne region in southwest France, our home offers all the comforts of home with village amenities. Nestled in Perigord Vert (green Perigord), Excideuil is close to all major transport hubs. We purchased our home because it is spacious and comfortable seconds away from a weekly market, restaurants and more. We stay connected with high speed internet. Our beautiful walled garden is our refuge for a morning cup tea or coffee. In the evening we love dining alfresco in the garden. Our home allows us a way to experence France at its very best.

Cottage Photos


This property is NOT avalable for rent. For cottage photos check the link below:

More Details


Excideuil is located in the northern Dordogne which is named Perigord Vert (green Perigord) because of the greenery of the forests and meadows of the region. Excideuil is a historic town with an beautiful town square, and a castle dating back to the 12th century. It is located about 30 kilometers south of Jumilhac, 15 kilometers from Hautefort and only 35 kilometers from Perigueaux the capital city of the Dordogne department.

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Other Links

National Day in Excideuil

Chateau d' Excideuil

Listen to the bells of Saint Thomas Church




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